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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tujuh Klaim Budaya oleh Malaysia Sejak 2007

Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 9:24 PM No comments

Wakil Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Wiendu Nuryanti, menyatakan pemerintah Malaysia sudah tujuh kali mengklaim budaya Indonesia sejak 2007 lalu. Berikut budaya-budaya tersebut

1. Reog Ponorogo (2007)
"Pertama, klaim terhadap kesenian Reog Ponorogo pada November 2007," kata Wiendu dalam rapat dengar pendapat bersama Komisi X DPR di Kompleks Parlemen Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu, 20 Juni 2012.
2. Lagu Rasa Sayange (2008)

Setelah itu pemerintah Malaysia mengklaim lagu daerah asal Maluku, Rasa Sayange, pada Desember 2008.
3. Tari Pendet (2009)
Tari Pendet dari Bali juga diklaim pada Agustus 2009 lewat iklan pariwisata "Malaysia Truly Asia". "Klaim ini selesai setelah ada protes dari Indonesia," ujar Wiendu.

4. Batik (2009)
Klaim Malaysia berikutnya adalah kerajinan batik pada Oktober 2009. "Masalah ini selesai setelah ada pengakuan dari UNESCO atas batik Indonesia," ujarnya. 

5. Alat Musik Angklung (2010)
Alat musik asal Jawa Barat ini "direbut" Malaysia pada Maret 2010.

6. Tari Tor Tor (2012)

7. Alat Musik Gordang Sambilan (2012)

"Dan yang terakhir adalah klaim tari tortor dan alat musik Gordang Sambilan dari Mandailing."

Wiendu memberikan tanggapan pemerintah terhadap klaim Malaysia atas tarian tortor dan alat musik Gordang Sambilan asal Mandailing, Sumatera Utara, dalam rapat yang dimulai pukul 14.00 WIB itu.

Rencana pemerintah Malaysia mengakui tari tortor dan alat musik Gordang Sambilan mencuat setelah kantor berita Bernama, Malaysia, melansir keinginan tersebut. Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Datuk Seri Rais Yatim berencana mendaftarkan kedua budaya masyarakat Sumatera Utara itu dalam Seksyen 67 Akta Warisan Kebangsaan 2005.

"Tarian ini akan diresmikan sebagai salah satu cabang warisan negara," kata Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim seperti dikutip Bernama usai meresmikan Perhimpunan Anak-anak Mandailing, Kamis, 14 Juni 2012.

Masyarakat Sumatera Utara mengenal tari tortor sebagai salah satu bagian dalam upacara-upacara adat untuk menghormati para leluhur. Adapun Mandailing merupakan salah satu suku di Sumatera Utara. Sejumlah warga Mandailing memang berada di Malaysia.

Sumber: www.tempo.co

Thursday, December 23, 2010

20 Amazing Facts about Christmas

Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 9:53 AM No comments

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at Venere.com! Take a peek at our list of fun facts about how the most important holiday of the year is a celebrated around the world!
Did you know that?

In Greek, X means Christ; that is where the word “Xmas” comes from!
Christmas World Records

The world’s largest Christmas present was the Statue of Liberty. The French gave it to the US in 1886. It is 46.5 meters high and weights 225 tons!
“Green” Christmas

It can take up to 15 years to grow an average-sized tree of 6-7 feet or as little as 4 years, but the average growing time is 7!
Christmas Songs

Bing Crosby ‘s ‘White Christmas’ was released in 1942 and is considered to be the best-selling Christmas song of all time!
Christmas Statistics
1 in 10 – The number of the presents received that will be broken by the New Year
7 in 10 – The number of dogs that get Christmas gifts from their owners
33 – The average amount spent per person on last-minute purchases
25 – The percentage time spent in queues when Christmas shopping
832 – The number of homes Santa visits every second to deliver all his presents
5340 – Average number of times Visa Cards are used every minute during Christmas time
2010 Average Budget for Christmas Presents

USA: 520 € – UK: 474 € – GERMANY: 270 € – ITALY: 325 € – FRANCE: 366 € – SPAIN: 383 € – NETHERLANDS: 206 €
Traditional Christmas Sweets
FRANCE: Buche de Noel (a Génoise or other sponge cake, baked in a large Swiss roll pan)
USA: Pumpkin Cake (with cinnamon and ginger, frosted with cream cheese frosting)
SPAIN: Nougat (made with sugar or honey, roasted nuts)
HUNGARY: Beigli (roll of sweet yeast bread with a dense, rich, bittersweet filling)
ITALY: Panettone (is a type of sweet bread loaf originally from Milan)
SWEDEN: Pepparkakor (heart-star and goat-shaped gingerbread biscuit)
UK: Christmas Pudding (steamed pudding, with dried fruit and nuts, usually made with suet)
PORTUGAL: Pain Perdu (French toast made with bread and eggs, milk, sugar and cinnamon)
GERMANY: Lebkuchen (large cookies made of honey)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 Unamiliar Countries

Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 1:37 PM No comments

Spanyol, Brasil, Italia dan negara-negara lainnya dikenal di seluruh dunia karena keberadaan mereka, budaya dan sejarah. Tapi, mungkin anda tidak mengenal negara-negara di bawah ini. Seluruh negara tersebut sangat asing di telinga anda. Bahkan saya sendiri baru pertama kali mendengarnya. Inilah 10 daftar negara yang asing tersebut :
10. Vanuatu
90% rumah tangga di Vanuatu makan ikan dan 80% tinggal di pedesaan, desa-desa terpencil dengan kebun mereka sendiri yang hasilkan bahan pangan. Scuba diving merupakan atraksi wisata yang sangat populer di sini. Tsunami bukanlah hal yang langka di Vanuatu, dan gempa bumi memiliki efek negatif pada kondisi ekonomi negara-negara tersebut.
9. Nauru
Nauru, sebuah bekas koloni kekaisaran Jerman, juga dikenal sebagai Pulau Pleasant Pasifik Selatan. Orang-orang Nauru mengumpulkan air hujan selama musim hujan antara bulan November dan Februari karena mereka sangat terbatas dalam air tawar. Olahraga paling populer di negara ini adalah sepak bola ala  Australia. Mereka sudah memiliki liga sepak bola dengan tujuh tim yang berpartisipasi.
8. Tuvalu
Tuvalu adalah sebuah monarki konstitusional dengan Ratu Elizabeth II sebagai kepala negara. Mereka tidak memiliki kekuatan militer reguler. Jadi mereka tidak banyak menghabiskan uang untuk urusan pertahanan. Tuvalu adalah negara terkecil peringkat keempat di dunia. Penduduk pertama negara ini adalah orang-orang Polinesia.
7. Comoros
Komoro adalah negara kepulauan Afrika di Samudera Hindia yang terletak di antara Mozambik dan Madagaskar. Pulau ini merupakan koloni Perancis tua,. Hari ini ada sekitar 300 000 orang Comorians tinggal di Perancis. 98% dari populasi di Comors adalah Muslim.
6. Guernsey
Guernsey berada di bawah tanggung jawab Britania Raya tetapi mereka tidak dihitung sebagai bagian dari Inggris, serta Uni Eropa. Guernsey terletak di Selat Inggris di pantai Normandia. Mereka memiliki otonomi penuh atas urusan internal. Sekarang ini mereka sedang mendiskusikan untuk kemerdekaan total dari Kerajaan Inggris.
5. Isle of Man
Isle of Man juga dikenal sebagai Mann, sebuah pemerintahan sendiri dari  British Crown Dependency, terletak di laut Irlandia antara pulau Britania Raya dan Irlandia. Mereka bukan merupakan bagian dari Uni Eropa. Penghasilan negara ini berbasis pada perbankan luar negeri dan pariwisata. Pulau ini telah dihuni sejak sebelum 6500 SM.
4. Tokelau
Tokelau adalah wilayah yang tidak memiliki pemerintah sendiri. Nama Tokelau berasal dari kata Polinesia yang berarti "angin utara". Pulau ini memiliki perekonomian terkecil dari negara mana pun di dunia yang membuat mereka hampir sepenuhnya tergantung pada subsidi dari Selandia Baru. 96% dari populasi adalah orang Kristen dan 57% di antaranya adalah perempuan.
3. Cook Islands
Cook Islands memiliki demokrasi parlementer pemerintahan sendiri. Dengan lebih dari 90.000 wisatawan setiap tahun, pariwisata adalah penopang utama ekonomi mereka dengan potensi lepas pantai, laut, mutiara dan ekspor buah. Cook Island yang dinamai oleh navigator Inggris Kapten James Cook ketika ia sampai di pulau tersebut pada 1773.
2. Pitcairn Islands
Kepulauan Pitcairn secara resmi bernama Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie dan Oeno Islands, terjepit dari empat pulau vulkanik. Sebelumnya ia bagian dari koloni Inggris, yang merupakan bagian dari Pasifik. Bahasa penduduknya campuran bahasa Inggris dan Tahiti. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir gereja telah ditutup karena hanya delapan orang yang mengunjungi secara teratur. Hanya ada satu Café dan Bar di pulau itu, dan toko pemerintah menjual alkohol dan rokok. Ada hukum-hukum moral yang ketat yang melarang menari, merokok dan minum alkohol. (Jika pemerintah menjual alkohol dan rokok lalu mengapa ada hukum yang tegas yang melarang merokok dan minum alkohol? Apakah mereka menjualnya ke negara lain?)
1. Nagorno-Karabakh
Nagorno-Karabakh adalah republik merdeka yang terletak di antara Armenia dan Azerbaijan. Di negara ini banyak terdapat penambang dari bekas Uni Soviet karena selama 1991-1994 Perang Nagorno-Karabakh. Mereka masih tidak diakui oleh negara lain, termasuk Armenia. 95% dari populasi adalah Armenia, dan sisanya adalah orang-orang Yunani dan Kurdi. Pariwisata mereka pada dasarnya diarahkan untuk Armenia yang tinggal di negara-negara Barat.


Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 12:49 PM No comments

Many a times we come across people who are hard to forget. Well, not always because they are helpful or bequeath us with some wonderful experiences, but sometimes because they give us unforgettable awful experiences with their utterly bad behavior and selfish characteristics.

Though, we hardly expect everybody to be good and helpful to us, we don’t even expect that people use us for their benefits and behave in a manner to make us feel low or worthless. We don’t expect that people should help us in return for everything we do for them, but we do expect that people would at least notice and weigh our efforts made to help them and not just take our efforts as granted.

Despite this, we still come across people who are mean, arrogant, egotistical and selfish. Encounters with such people leave us feeling hurtful and used to a great extent. Moreover, if one is a sensitive person with a soft heart, then such associations might give them hard-to-forget, distressing experiences. One or two such experiences would surely leave us flabbergasted and we would wish to stay away from such people in the future.

Though it is not easy to recognize a selfish person immediately, they possess some particular traits and some peculiar characteristics. We can keep ourselves off-hook if we know their baiting traits.

·        All selfish people display a very uncaring attitude and a strong “Me first” trait.

A very peculiar and common trait which all selfish and conceited people possess is that they always put themselves and their needs on the forefront. They only give heed to their priorities, their goals and in the process would not think of anyone else, not even about those who might be really needy than them.

When it comes to getting their needs met and their work done, they would turn a deaf ear to the necessities of others. Such selfish people do not believe in the “Live and Let Live“ philosophy, constantly putting their own needs and desires first, they just live for themselves.

A selfish person would view others only as a means to get what they want. They have a have tunnel vision which starts from and leads to themselves and their personal needs alone.

·        Another trait which selfish and conceited people show is being manipulative, scheming and plotting most of the times.

This trait arises from the fact that selfish people are driven by the fear of loss of control. They therefore become very manipulative and scheming. They tend to control everything by maligning someone’s reputation or by misrepresenting things.

Selfish people have a great inherent desire to control situations and people and are unwilling to reach compromises with others. To get their own way they would down cast others and debase anybody’s reputation.

·        Another conspicuous trait which all conceited and selfish people display is of being calculative and accumulators.

Oscar Wilde, the Irish writer, poet and prominent aesthete, has expressed this demeaning selfish trait in such beautiful words, “There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up.”

This selfish characteristic gives people a grave tendency to hold and hoard things to themselves.

It becomes difficult for such people to part with even simple things like their time and efforts, leave aside important things like money. They would hoard all the resources to themselves and would not share it with anyone even if those resources would go wasted and depleted.

They would never think of sacrificing anything for anybody and in case they do it some time they would expect a lot in return. Insecurity might be the reason behind this base characteristic the selfish people display. They feel it is their right to receive from others but never feel obliged to return anything.  Selfish people behave in this manner because they don’t know how to balance giving with taking.

·        Low self esteem is another characteristic displayed by selfish people that gives them a negative outlook towards life and making them contemptuous of others in general.

This negative trait towards everything makes them bad team players as they always try to pull down others with their remarks, actions or suggestions.

They find it hard to motivate and inspire people because they themselves lack motivation and the drive to look ahead in life. This characteristic makes them unpopular in a team and a misfit at group tasks.

·        A selfish person is highly self centered and self obsessed.
This trait makes them see or hear no one else. They become bad listeners and give little or no consideration to what others have to say. They are inconsiderate and have little or no room for compassion. They would cut off conversations and bring the focus on themselves.
It becomes their earnest desire to be seen and heard more than anyone else making them oblivious to the opinions, suggestions and advices of others. All the conversations they indulge in pertain and turn back to themselves.
Looking at the traits and characteristics selfish people possess, one thing becomes obvious that selfish people do not need your contempt. You surely have to keep yourself shielded from their negativist traits but you don’t need to run from them.
All of us are selfish to some extent, but when the traits and characteristics go beyond control they make us selfish down to the core. Selfish people are ridiculed and downcast by the society in general.
A big non-selfish and selfless trait would be to understand such people and help them out of their selfishness and greedy attitude by accepting their presence, although cautiously.  
Of course be careful not to fall in the trap of their cagey attitude, but by not ignoring them and remaining unfazed and unaffected by their damaging, detrimental and calculating behavior, you might help a selfish person understand the value of selflessness. You never know, how greatly your selfless approach can help a selfish person reform into a kind, loving and unassuming soul.

The thought is so rightly put forth by James Allen, the philosophical writer, “The selfishness must be discovered and understood before it can be removed. It is powerless to remove itself, neither will it pass away of itself. Darkness ceases only when light is introduced; So ignorance can only be dispersed by Knowledge; Selfishness by Love.”

North Korea Keeps the World Guessing

Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 7:50 AM No comments

WASHINGTON — With North Korea reeling from economic and succession crises, American and South Korean officials early this year secretly began gaming out what would happen if the North, led by one of the world’s most brutal family dynasties, collapsed.
Over an official lunch in late February, a top South Korean diplomat confidently told the American ambassador, Kathleen Stephens, that the fall would come “two to three years” after the death of Kim Jong-il, the country’s ailing leader, Ms. Stephens later cabled Washington. A new, younger generation of Chinese leaders “would be comfortable with a reunited Korea controlled by Seoul and anchored to the United States in a benign alliance,” the diplomat, Chun Yung-woo, predicted.
But if Seoul was destined to control the entire Korean Peninsula for the first time since the end of World War II, China — the powerful ally that keeps the North alive with food and fuel — would have to be placated. So South Korea was already planning to assure Chinese companies that they would have ample commercial opportunities in the mineral-rich northern part of the peninsula.
As for the United States, the cable said, “China would clearly ‘not welcome’ any U.S. military presence north of the DMZ,” the heavily mined demarcation line that now divides the two Koreas.
This trove of cables ends in February, just before North Korea began a series of military actions that has thrown some of Asia’s most prosperous countries into crisis. A month after the lunch, the North is believed to have launched a torpedo attack on the Cheonan, a South Korean warship, that killed 46 sailors.
Three weeks ago it revealed the existence of a uranium enrichment plant, potentially giving it a new pathway to make nuclear bomb material. And last week it shelled a South Korean island, killing two civilians and two marines and injuring many more.
None of that was predicted in the dozens of State Department cables about North Korea obtained by WikiLeaks, and in fact even China, the North’s closest ally, has often been startlingly wrong, the cables show. But the documents help explain why some South Korean and American officials suspect that the military outbursts may be the last snarls of a dying dictatorship.
They also show that talk of the North’s collapse may be rooted more in hope than in any real strategy: similar predictions were made in 1994 when the country’s founder, Kim Il-sung, suddenly died, leaving his son to run the most isolated country in Asia. And a Chinese expert warned, according to an American diplomat, that Washington was deceiving itself once again if it believed that “North Korea would implode after Kim Jong-il’s death.”
The cables about North Korea — some emanating from Seoul, some from Beijing, many based on interviews with government officials, and others with scholars, defectors and other experts — are long on educated guesses and short on facts, illustrating why their subject is known as the Black Hole of Asia. Because they are State Department documents, not intelligence reports, they do not include the most secret American assessments, or the American military’s plans in case North Korea disintegrates or lashes out.
They contain loose talk and confident predictions of the end of the dynasty that has ruled North Korea for 65 years. Those discussions were fueled by a rash of previously undisclosed defections of ranking North Korean diplomats, who secretly sought refuge in the South.
But they were also influenced by a remarkable period of turmoil inside North Korea, including an economic crisis set off by the government’s failed effort to revalue the currency and sketchy intelligence suggesting that the North’s military might not abide the rise of Mr. Kim’s son Kim Jong-un, who was recently made a four-star general despite having no military experience.
The cables reveal that in private, the Chinese, long seen as North Korea’s last protectors against the West, occasionally provide the Obama administration with colorful assessments of the state of play in North Korea. Chinese officials themselves sometimes even laugh about the frustrations of dealing with North Korean paranoia. In April 2009, just before a North Korean nuclear test, He Yafei, the Chinese vice foreign minister, told American officials at a lunch that the country wanted direct talks with the United States and to get them was acting like a "spoiled child" to get the attention of the "adult."
When James B. Steinberg, the deputy secretary of state, sat down in September 2009 with one of China’s most powerful officials, Dai Bingguo, state councilor for foreign affairs, Mr. Dai joked that in a recent visit to North Korea he “did not dare” to be too candid with the ailing and mercurial North Korean leader. But the Chinese official reported that although Kim Jong-il had apparently suffered a stroke and had obviously lost weight, he still had a “sharp mind” and retained his reputation among Chinese officials as “quite a good drinker.” (Mr. Kim apparently assured Mr. Dai during a two-hour conversation in Pyongyang, the capital, that his infirmities had not forced him to give up alcohol.)
But reliable intelligence about Mr. Kim’s drinking habits, it turns out, does not extend to his nuclear program, about which even the Chinese seem to be in the dark.

One More Game Device (but This One’s Tiny)

Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 7:44 AM No comments

With Microsoft’s Xbox 360, Nintendo’s Wii and Sony’s PlayStation 3 duking it out for dominance of the video game console market, can there possibly be any room for yet another machine?
Steve Perlman, a well-known Silicon Valley inventor and entrepreneur, thinks there is. His strategy is to make a game system without game discs.
His OnLive game service works by keeping all of its games in the cloud. Consumers can stream the games to their PCs after installing a browser plug-in. Starting in December, users will be able to stream games to their televisions using a $99 box not much bigger than a cigarette package that taps a high-speed Internet connection, the company said two weeks ago.

Top 10 Must-Have Apps for the iPhone, and Some Runners-Up

Posted by Praditya Briyandi On 7:35 AM No comments

I’m always surprised when I come across people who have yet to fill their iPhone with apps. The most often cited excuse? Not enough time to sift through 300,000 apps to find the good ones.
The Hipstamatic iPhone app, showing the “Lucifer” viewfinder.


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